About Us.
We are the Peterson Family, and we have owned this farm for over a hundred years. We are committed to being good stewards of the land. We work to make this farm good for us, good for our animals, good for wildlife, and good for our farm members.

Our goal as business people and farmers is NOT to dominate the market and, thus, wipe out our competition. That strategy results in ever-fewer numbers of farms and farm families. Food production ends up in the hands of a few. And, in our opinion, in the long run everyone suffers declining benefits.
On the contrary, we encourage each person on earth to become a farmer and produce just enough. Turn empty and abandoned urban spaces into gardens. Turn the rural landscape into thriving communities of very small family farms. Capture bounty and goodness and improve the health and wellness of our earth and ourselves at the same time.
Thus our vision for farming is finding a "Nash Equilibrium" solution of sorts. We need farmers who are willing to exercise a level of restraint; and, in the end, we will all be the better for it.
Don’t you think that’s a fresh perspective for farming?